All posts tagged: school

Clases de inglés en infantil

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Happy, happy, happy fruits! Do you like fruits?

Un plan muy afrutado ha invadido la clase de Infantil 3 años. Como ya sabemos, las frutas son esenciales para crecer fuertes y sanos.

Nuestro búho Ollie ha preparado una serie de dinámicas educativas para presentar a los peques la unidad de la comida y su respectivo vocabulario: “apple”/“banana”/”orange”/ “pear”/”yogurt”/ “sweets”.

Canciones como “10 apples on my head” y “The bananas song” nos facilitan el aprendizaje de los números y las frutas al ritmo de la música. Mientras que la canción “Apples & bananas” nos ayuda a introducir el verbo comer (“eat”).

Además, disfrutamos mucho esta unidad gracias al cuento “Pete’s big lunch” que se trata de un gatito que prepara un sándwich muy original con plátano, manzana, helado… ¡y todo lo que encuentra en su nevera!

Y así, pasito a pasito, jugando y cantando, entre puzles y dominós temáticos, nuestros peques al final de la unidad comenzarán a asociar un color primario a una fruta para intentar expresar estructuras gramaticales sencillas: “yellow banana/ it’s a yellow banana”.

Por cierto ¿sabéis ya cuál es vuestra fruta favorita 🍎 🍌 🍐 🍊?  like 😃…

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How can we stop school violence?

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By law, schools are required to report violent incidents and states are required to make that information public. Few states are following this mandate. In the aftermath of yet another agonizing, senseless school shooting, it’s impossible not to ask how can we prevent this from ever happening again.

How can we stop school violence?
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Tips to make school lunches healthier

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From the school board to the statehouse, the food served at school is the focus of debate.The statistics that started the food fights are familiar: One in five U.S. children is overweight, and increasing numbers of them are developing type 2 diabetes, an illness that used to be limited to adults.

Tips to make school lunches healthier
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The Art of Managing Middle School Students

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Squirrels. That is what they remind me of. We were all that age once and we were all just like squirrels! Have you ever watched a squirrel? Zoom, freeze for two seconds, flick tail, and repeat. The trick for being a successful middle school teacher is holding their attention for more than just those few seconds. Believing that that is possible requires a huge leap of faith and trust.

DiegoThe Art of Managing Middle School Students
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Kindergarten: ready or not?

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Starting kindergarten is one of the biggest milestones in a child’s life. Here are some tips to help you decide whether your child will be socially, academically and physically prepared to start “big-kids” school.

Kindergarten: ready or not?
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